Dredged leather farming wow
Dredged leather farming wow

The portal to this instance is located underneath the Wyrmrest Temple, in Dragonblight at Northrend. (only try the 10man version if you can't solo the 25man)

dredged leather farming wow

Right-click on your own portrait and select "Raid Difficulty" to change raid size and difficulty. Raid difficulty doesn't matter, so you can set it to normal, but you should always set the Legacy Raid size to 25-player because it has more mobs. Check the places mentioned below if you have a lower-level character. The best place to farm Borean Leather is The Ruby Sanctum raid, but you have to be at least level 40 to farm there efficiently.

dredged leather farming wow

If you play WotLK Classic, visit my WotLK Classic Borean Leather Farming Guide. This guide is for Retail WoW players only.

Dredged leather farming wow